1800 863 863 enquiries@tme.edu.au

Program Snapshot


 Online self-paced – approximately 1-3 months


Delivery Options

Flexible – Virtual Classrooms and phone calls




There are no entry requirements for this
LLN will be assessed prior to course


$0 – fully subsidised by the NSW Government under the Smart and Skilled program subject to eligibility.
Subject to funding applications being approved.

The Management Edge (TME) in partnership are excited to announce a
potential *fully funded program delivered under the NSW Smart &
Skilled program.
As a result of employer and industry feedback TME is conducting this
program to assist employers, apprentices, and jobseekers in learning
the key skills of cleaning.
The Program will focus on giving students basic understanding both in
knowledge and skills in cleaning and safety in the workplace.

Course outcomes:

Employment opportunities
Retention of current employment

HLTINF001 – Infection control
CPPCLO3003 Participate in safe work practices
CPPCLO3009 Clean Glass Surfaces
CPPCLO3035 Maintain Cleaning Storage Areas
CPPCMN3006 Provide effective client services
CPPCMN3007 Support leadership in the workplace

More information:

Assessment:  This is a nationally recognised skill set, so participants will be required to undertake assessment during the program to demonstrate understanding of the knowledge and skills required to implement infection control procedures in their workplace.

This will comprise;

  • an Assessment Questionnaire to demonstrate that you understand what was taught during the day, and;
  • you demonstrating the techniques you will learn for cleaning, handling waste, etc.

Your assessor is looking for evidence that you are competent in the unit requirements.  To show that you are competent you must be able to:

  • Perform the task to workplace standards
  • Manage a range of different tasks
  • Respond to contingencies or breakdowns
  • Deal with the responsibilities of the workplace, including working with others.


What happens after I submit my assessment tasks?

Your trainer will examine your work and decide whether it meets the criteria. If so the work will be marked ‘competent’ and a Statement of Attainment issued.

If you are unable to demonstrate the required level of knowledge and skills through this assessment task on the first attempt your Trainer may choose to verbally assess you to gather further evidence of your knowledge of specific questions. In this situation your they will make note of this on your assessment task including notes on what answers you provided.

or make an Enquiry now

    You may also be interested in

    TME Trade Training developed a 6-unit training program that is aligned to the
    national training package Certificate III in Cleaning Operations. Successful
    completion of the program will earn participants a nationally recognised
    Statement of Attainment that employers can rely on as evidence of current
    competence and provide credit towards completion of a full qualification.

    Take your career to the next level with a qualification in Cleaning Sector.

    Got Questions? Want us to call you? Make a Course Enquiry Now !