First Aid (HLTAID011 Provide First Aid and HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
The course out lines the necessary skills to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) and knowledge required to provided a first aid response to a casualty in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
Forklift (TLILIC0003 License to operate a forklift truck)
The course can cater for individuals with little to no experience, or operators who are familiar with the operations and requirements of forklift driving. If in the assessor’s opinion individuals who opt for the 2 day course do not demonstrate sufficient competence they will be sent home to develop more experience.
10830NAT Course In Crystalline Silica Exposure Prevention
The course outlines the necessary skills to identify WHS risks and hazards associated with crystalline silica-containing products, and to plan and implement safe work systems to reduce exposure within mandated limits.
White Card Course (CPCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry)
This is a mandatory Worksafe issued ticket that is requi ed prior to under taking any construction work in or around Council property. The unit requires the person to demonst rate personal awareness and knowledge of health and safety legislative requirements in order to work safely and prevent injury or harm to self and others.
Hebel Installer Course
Open new doors to your building career as a Hebel Installer. The Hebel AAC PowerPanelXL External Cladding System is rapidly being adopted by all major builders. Whether you’re an existing installer, or new to the building industry, this course is for you.
Traffic Control Course ( RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop- slow bat and RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plans )
This program addresses the skills and knowledge for those responsible for stopping and starting traffic in temporary traffic management situations using a stop/slow bat or boom gate. This program provides Council staff with the necessary skills and knowledge to support the safe operation of work crews on public roads.
Hazardous Substances, Dangerous Goods And Spill Response
This one-day course informs participants of the WHS risks posed by working with “Hazardous Substances” or dangerous goods. Certain Council employees come into contact with these substances every day, as well as needing to be aware of actions to take in the event of a spill. The program clarifies the distinction between what is a Hazardous Substance” and what is a “Dangerous Good” and provides advice ( within your existing Council policies and procedures ) about the proper way to deal with these items.
AHCSS00074 Agricultural Chemical Skill Set
This course aims to raise awareness of the potential hazards and risks associated with pesticide use and to provide pract ical informat ion with regards to safe chemical handling and application. This course introduces pesticide users to the principles of calibration. Participants will be expected to calibrate a piece of handheld equipment such as a knapsack, drench gun or injectable.
Load And Unload Good And Cargo ( TLID0015 Load and Unload Goods/Cargo )
This program will give your staff the skills and knowledge to safely load and unload cargo. Drivers and others loading vehicles may cause accidents if they do not drive safely whilst driving or towing loads. The same thing applies if the weight of the cargo is not secured or distributed properly. This can affect the handling of the vehicle. The course highlights how to correctly store cargo using various teathering methods.
Warm Up For Work And Manual Handling ( TLID0020 Shift materials safely using manual handling methods )
This program will focus on manual handling and will highlight the following aspects Lifting and lowering Carrying Pushing and pulling Holding Manoeuvring and awkward postures Repetitive tasks Team lifting.
Maintaining And Developing a Safe Workplace ( TLIF0024 Develop and maintain a safe workplace )
Safe work practices are an essential part of every Council workplace. While the mantra that “safety is everyone’s responsibility” is of ten heard, it is not always applied. All Councils have staff dedicated to establishing and maintaining a safe work environments, but this 2-day course can be used to provide a wider range of staff with the skills and knowledge to recognise and act upon safety issues wi thout needing to call or wai t on the formal process. It is a step above “safety awareness” , and does empower part icipants to act appropriately and with initiative.
Chainsaw Operations ( AHCMOM213 Operate and maintain chainsaws & AHCPCM205 Fell small trees )
This program will assist in learning the key skills of chainsaw operation and felling small trees. It will focus on giving students basic understanding both in knowledge and skills in the safe use of chainsaws and the felling of trees correct ly and safely in the workplace.