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subsidised cert iv in ageing care

The Royal Commission has made nearly 150 recommendations aimed to improve what is acknowledged as a flawed system.

Many of these recommendations still wait on government policy responses, and will no doubt be some time in coming.

But while the recommendations expect and rely heavily on government actions, some areas are sufficiently clear to enable quality-focussed providers to initiate a response. Chapter 12 in particular focuses on the Aged Care workforce and suggests some initiatives for consideration.

Some of the key takeouts, and our suggestions for how organisations keen to be seen as responsive to the findings, include;

  • Aged care training programs should be based on partnerships between aged care and education providers

Providers should consider partnering with a training provider that understands the needs of the sector and can assist the process of embedding people care skills into the fabric of the business.

  • A highly skilled, well rewarded and valued aged care workforce is vital to the success of future aged care

This almost goes without saying, but how do we get there? Providers should consider working with their training partners and the skills development arm of governments to review skills needed for key care roles, and how best to acquire those skills.

Governments will need to find the money to support the system to afford what is required – but providers at the forefront of change will prepare to develop and upskill their own workforce

  • Aged care workers should have a clear vision for career progression and clarity about what they need to do to progress

More senior provider staff may need to develop skills in workforce planning, training needs analysis, performance management – skills that are often assumed to exist at management level but are often overlooked in the training of new managers. The solution to the issues raised is not just to provide better trained direct care workers, but also develop the management and customer service skills across the sider organisation, to provide the overall quality and safety systems the Royal Commission expects.

  • Existing job classifications should be reviewed, and new career pathways mapped to facilitate opportunities for personal care workers to advance in the aged care sector

Career path planning at both an organisational and individual level will deliver a service provider with access to future skills developed in-house to mesh with the providers’ own vision and strategy

  • Training packages should be developed to ensure that industry skill requirements are reflected in the national training system.

Training Packages take time to develop and implement – but an effective training partner knows how to use existing packages and qualifications to achieve both the spirit and the intent of the recommendations, in a way that improves current circumstances and also positions you for the changes to come.


Good quality training providers work with care providers to build an organisation that is prepared to meet the expectations of the sector.  TME has over 25 years of experience in developing effective workplace-based training programs to improve organisation service capability.  Give us a call to see how we can help with;

  • Aged Care qualifications from entry level to Diploma
  • Leadership and management skills to support the managers who are charged with implementing change in their workplace
  • Support worker skills to help all levels of your organisation understand and meet the standards you expect
  • Facilitated seminars and workshops for individual organisations to design their vision of the future
  • Specific skills in Infection Control, First Aid, entry into Aged care
  • Short courses and pathway programs for volunteers
  • Facility Leadership Networking Group (FLiNG) functions