1800 863 863 enquiries@tme.edu.au
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Program Snapshot


12-18 months

Delivery Options

  • Face to face classroom (or delivered in the workplace), supplemented by extensive workplace practce. 
  • Distance / Online learning available.


It is required that learners be employed in a positon that allows them to demonstrate applicaton of skills required by the program. Learners will need access to the internet for on-line research and actvites.

LLN will be assessed prior to course commencement.


$4,000 full fee.
State Government funding may be available for eligible individuals. Contact us to see if you’re eligible for government funding.

Course information:


The Advanced Diploma of Business is a natonally recognised qualifcaton which helps partcipants develop the practcal skills needed to provide effectve leadership, think strategically, establish a business directon, manage fnances, establish organisatonal development priorites and manage themselves and others more effectvely.

Learners undertaking an Advanced Diploma are expected to be largely self-directed in terms of seeking out and exploring the applicaton of the concepts learned in the classroom within their own (real or simulated) organisaton.  

Course outcomes:

 √ Run day to day business operatons and implement business plans

Develop, implement and evaluate change management strategies.

Manage projects, including developing a project plan, administering and monitoring the project, fnalising the project, and reviewing the project to identfy lessons learned for applicaton to future projects.

Develop a strategic approach to managing human resource issues, eg. Capability planning, workforce planning, capacity building.

Contribute to the creaton of an organisaton development plan which ensures that the organisaton will become more effectve over tme in achieving its goals.

Undertake budgetng, fnancial forecastng and reportng on fnancial actvity.

Research, develop and present a marketng plan for an organisaton

Manage data and knowledge to lead to beter decisions, planning and outcomes.

Course structure:

BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business requires completon of 8 units of competency. There are no core units in this qualifcaton.

BSBMGT617 Develop and implement a business plan
BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisatonal change
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBHRM602 Manage human resources strategic planning
BSBMGT615 Contribute to organisatonal development
BSBFIM601 Manage fnances
BSBMKG609 Develop a marketng plan
BSBINM601 Manage Knowledge and informaton

More information:

Assessment Methods:

  • Theory & knowledge assessments
  • Case studies
  • Practcal exercises
  • Project Work
  • Workplace observatons
  • Workplace Supervisors’ reports

Resources Provided: Learning resources will be provided including; training manuals, powerpoint presentatons, You-tube clips, webinars etc.

Induction: Trainees will be introduced to the course, delivery and assessment methods, and expectatons and rights of trainees prior to course commencement.

All trainees are expected to comply with worksite WHS procedures and policies during practcal actvites. Safety procedures in the classroom will be explained at the commencement of the course.

RPL & Credit Transfer: Students who believe they have sufcient past experience to demonstrate full competence against partcular units may apply for RPL using the forms and processes available from the TME ofce. Students may apply for credit transfer for any units completed in prior qualifcatons, including for the electve units.

Funding: This program may be supported by Victorian State Government funding or subsidised by the NSW Government subject to eligibility. New employees may also be eligible for Commonwealth Government Funding. Contact us to check your eligibility.

Workplace Training: Programs can be customised to meet individual or workplace requirements. On the job training and assessment actvites are built into our programs to beneft employers and enable learners to develop relevant workplace skills.

We actvely tailor training for people from diverse backgrounds, including those with disabilites, and encourage all to apply.

Informaton in this flyer is current at 19/1/2017 and may be subject to change. Contact us to ensure you have the most current informaton about this program.

version 2 – 19/1/2017

TME offers courses that can assist you to better understand local building practices in Australia, and which will help you gain the knowledge necessary to eventually register as a Licensed Builder.

Take your career to the next level with a qualification in Business.