Program Snapshot

18-30 months, tailored to suit seasonal work requirements.

Delivery Options
- Face to face classroom instruction (approx.1/2 to 1 day per month)
- Trainer-led on the job practical activities (approx. ½ to 1 day per month)
- Coaching of students in the workplace
- Regular assessor observations of students in the workplace

- Candidates must be employed in a workplace that provides opportunity to practice and demonstrate skills.
- Employers must be willing to provide adequate time off normal duties to attend class and practice sessions
- Workplace supervisors will be required to comment on student progress and skills development
- LLN will be assessed prior to course commencement.

Eligible students and employers may qualify for Federal and State government training support whilst undertaking an apprenticeship.
Course information:
This program is designed to support employers, either in private businesses or Local Government, who wish to engage apprentices to be trained in the maintenance of parks and gardens.
This qualification is suitable only for people already engaged with an organisation who works in this sector, as it is a formal apprenticeship, is very hands-on and requires access to a workplace to practice and demonstrate the skills required.
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the world, but with smaller living space and increasing demands on time, people are more inclined to visit local facilities for their outdoor recreation.
The presentation of public and private recreational spaces is an important feature in today’s community and requires a thorough understanding and appreciation of the various aspects of parks maintenance and management. Private developers understand that it is often the landscaping and maintenance of the surrounds of new constructions that sets them apart from their neighbours and local councils are judged by the attractiveness of their community assets.
The benefits are tangible;
- Employees are more knowledgeable about the features that set a park or garden apart from the average.
- Parks staff understand and feel better prepared to present their areas of responsibility to all people who encounter their handiwork.
- Facility owners get better information about their green assets and can take remedial action earlier.
- Organisations will be better placed to measure the improved performance of teams and individuals in providing overall client service;
- Improved teamwork increases entire team satisfaction.
Course outcomes:
√ Better placed to monitor the health and condition of the park areas under their control.
√ Feel they are more valued as a key member of the team
√ Better understanding of the effective control of weeds and pests
√ Better understanding of the interface between the public and the park
√ Learn how to integrate native and cultured garden space.
√ Understand and implement WHS practices in the workplace
Course structure:
This qualification consists of 16 units (5 core, 11 electives – * indicates core unit);
1. Operate machinery and equipment (AHCMOM304)
2. Implement a plant nutrition program (AHCPCM301) *
3. Provide information on plants and their culture (AHCPCM302) *
4. Identify plant specimens (AHCPCM303)
5. Conduct operational inspection of park facilities (AHCPGD305)
6. Control weeds (AHCPMG301) *
7. Control plant pests, diseases and disorders (AHCPMG302) *
8. Implement soil improvements for garden and turf areas (AHCSOL303)
9. Sample soils and interpret results (AHCSOL401)
10. Construct turf playing surfaces (AHCTRF301)
11. Establish turf (AHCTRF302)
12. Implement a grassed area maintenance program (AHCTRF303)
13. Monitor turf health (AHCTRF304)
14. Renovate sports turf (AHCTRF305)
15. Contribute to work health and safety processes (AHCWHS301) *
16. Apply environmentally sustainable work practices (AHCWRK309)
If required, 2 units relating to transporting and handling chemicals may
replace 2 of the units above.
The sequence of delivery of the units will be organised with employers to
best fit seasonal and project work plans.
Please download PDF for more information.

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Take your career to the next level with a qualification in Horticulture.
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